

An Employee is someone who is working for your organisation.

Employees are classified as one of the following:

  • Casual
  • Part time (permanent or fixed/maximum term)
  • Full time (permanent or fixed/maximum term)
  • Labour hire
  • Temporary
  • Super Income Stream

Employees can be created through two different processes:

  1. When a Candidate goes through the interview, shortlist and onboarding process it then converts, at your request, into an Employee. During this conversion, all the Candidate’s details, documents, notes, etc will be pushed to the Employee, for reference.
  2. From scratch, without going through the Candidate process first.

Once an Employee is created, the following information can be captured (not limited to):

  • Personal details,
  • Payroll details,
  • Training and qualifications,
  • Notes (e.g. Electronic policy acknowledgements, Emails, logged interactions),
  • Personal and strategic objectives,
  • Performance Reviews,
  • HR personnel documents.

At the present moment, the enableHR API exposes the personal details, payroll details (including leave balances) and training and qualifications of Employees. Employees have access to the enableHR self-service portal where they can review policies, action HR tasks, complete performance reviews, update personal details, update training and qualifications, create WHS incidents/hazards.

enableHR API current exposure for Employees:

  • Actions:
    • List existing Employees
    • Create, retrieve and update an Employee
    • Transfer an Employee to another branch
    • Terminate an Employee
  • Fields:
    • Personal information (excluding custom fields)
    • Bank accounts (Australia and New Zealand)
    • Tax details (Australia and New Zealand)
    • Super Annuation (Kiwi Saver in New Zealand)
    • Leave balances
    • Training and Qualification (competencies)

List all Employees

Use this action to list the employees visible to the user executing the API call.

Employees are organised in Branches, have a status (current, terminated, etc) and an employment type (permanent, casual, part time, full time, etc).

The list action allows you to access this information without having to query each Employee.

List Employees
MethodGET: List Employees
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Field Name on the ScreenDetailsExample
First NameFirst name of the employeeRajesh
Last NameSurname or last name of the employeePowar
Date of BirthBirth date of the employee1981-02-22
GenderGender of the employeePossible Values: Male, Female, Non_Binary, Not_Stated
Emp. TypeEmployment typePossible Values: Unspecified, Permanent_FullTime, Permanent_PartTime,
Temporary, Casual, Contract, FixedTerm_FullTime,
FixedTerm_PartTime, LabourHire, SuperIncomeStream
BranchName of the branch where employee is registeredBrighton Store
Parent BranchParent branch of employee’s branchIf exists – /Trumps incorporated/Brighton Store
If not exists - /Brighton Store
StatusCurrent employment status of the employeePossible Values: Current, Terminated, Completed, Suspended, Leave,
LeaveWithoutPay, Transferred, Terminating, Merged
Candidate to Employee (NA)Date when the Candidate has been converted to an employee2022-02-03T19:20:30.45+01:00
E-mail (W)Work email of the employeeEmailWork@email.com
E-mail (H)Personal email of the employeeEmailHome@email.com
enableHR Employees

Retrieve an Employee

Use this action to retrieve the details of an Employee.

Employees are organised in Branches, have a status (current, terminated, etc) and an employment type (permanent, casual, part time, full time, etc).

The “List Employees” action allows you to have access to this information without having to query each employee. To retrieve all the other fields, use the Retrieve an Employee action.

Retrieve Employee
MethodGET: Retrieve an Employees
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Field Name on the ScreenDetailsExample
Employee NumberEmployees number as stored in enableHR12345
First NameFirst name of the employeeMichael
Last NameSurname or last name of the employeeJohnson
Date of BirthBirthdate of the employee2001-02-01
Employment TypeEmployment typePossible Values: Unspecified, Permanent_FullTime, Permanent_PartTime,
Temporary, Casual, Contract, FixedTerm_FullTime,
FixedTerm_PartTime, LabourHire, SuperIncomeStream
BranchName of the branch where the employee is registeredBrighton Store
Parent BranchParent branch of employee’s branchIf exists – /Trumps incorporated/Brighton Store
If not exists - /Brighton Store
StatusCurrent employment status of the employeePossible Values: Current, Terminated, Completed, Suspended,
Leave, LeaveWithoutPay, Transferred, Terminating, Merged
TitleHonorific of the employeePossible Values: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr
Middle NameMiddle name of the employeeK
Preferred NameEmployee’s preferred nameMike
Nick NameShort name called at workplaceMickey
Line1:Line 1 of the addressSuite 3
Line2:Line 2 of the address1234 Pacific Highway
Suburb:Suburb of the employeeSydney Town
State:State where the suburb is locatedNSW
Post Code:Postal code of the suburb2002
Country:Country the suburb belongs toAustralia
Line1:Line 1 of the postal addressSuite 3
Line2:Line 2 of the postal address1234 Pacific Highway
Suburb:Suburb of the employeeSydney Town
State:State where the suburb is locatedNSW
Post Code:Postal code of the suburb2002
Country:Country the suburb belongs toAustralia
Email (W)Work email addressMichaelJ@email.com
Email (h)Personal email addressMichaelJ@email.com
Phone number (h)Home phone number08 4044 0999
Mobile PhonePersonal mobile phone number0404 404 040
GenderGender of the employeePossible Values: Male, Female, Non_Binary, Not_Stated
Position TitleDesignation of the employeeManager
Commencement DateHire/Start date of the employee2015-09-23
End DateTermination date of the employee2021-10-15
Candidate to Employee (NA)Date when the Candidate has been converted to an employee2022-02-03T19:20:30.45+01:00
NamePrimary emergency contact’s nameSteve Smith
RelationshipRelationship to the employee/candidateBrother
PhonePhone number of the primary contact03 5678 9876
MobileMobile number of the primary contact04 1111 2222
NameSecondary emergency contact’s nameDiane Hayden
RelationshipRelationship to the employee/candidateMother
PhonePhone number of the secondary contact03 1123 2244
MobileMobile number of the secondary contact04 6666 7777
enableHR Employee Details
enableHR Employee Details

Create an Employee

Use this action to create a new Employee.

The only mandatory fields to create a new Employee are Branch ID, First Name and Last Name.
Create Employee
MethodPOST: Create an Employees
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Accepted Fields
Field NameDetailsExample
Branch ID - Mandatory
Unique ID of the branch39c4e9b0418e4236b6a8ac4bce927a9e
First Name - Mandatory
First name of the employeeRajesh
Last Name - Mandatory
Surname or last name of the employeePowar
Middle NameMiddle name of the employeeK
Preferred NameEmployee’s preferred nameRaj
Nick NameShort name called at workplaceRaj
Position TitleDesignation of the employeeManager
GenderGender of the employee. Default value is Not_StatedPossible Values: Male, Female, Non_Binary, Not_Stated
Employment TypeNature of employment. Default value is Unspecified.Possible Values: Unspecified, Permanent_FullTime,
Permanent_PartTime, Temporary, Casual, Contract,
FixedTerm_FullTime, FixedTerm_PartTime,
LabourHire, SuperIncomeStream
TitleHonorific of the employeePossible Values: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr
StatusCurrent employment status of the employee. Default value is CurrentPossible Values: Current, Terminated, Completed,
Suspended, Leave, LeaveWithoutPay,
Transferred, Terminating, Merged
Line1:Line 1 of the addressSuite 3
Line2:Line 2 of the address1234 Pacific Highway
Suburb:Suburb of the employeeSydney Town
State:State where the suburb is locatedNSW
Post Code:Postal code of the suburb2002
Country:Country of the suburbAustralia
Employee NumberEmployee number allocated to the associate12345
Line1:Line 1 of the postal addressSuite 3
Line2:Line 2 of the postal address1234 Pacific Highway
Suburb:Suburb of the employeeSydney Town
State:State where the suburb is locatedNSW
Post Code:Postal code of the suburb2002
Country:Country of the suburbAustralia
Email (W)Work Email addressRajeshp@email.com
Email (h)Personal Email addressRajeshp@zmail.com
Phone number (h)Home phone number08 4044 0999
Mobile PhonePersonal mobile phone number0404 404 040
Date of BirthBirth date of the employee2000-12-29
Commencement DateStart/Hire date of employment2021-09-30
NamePrimary emergency contact’s nameSteve Smith
RelationshipRelationship to the employee/candidateBrother
PhonePhone number of the primary contact03 5678 9876
MobileMobile number of the primary contact04 1111 2222
NameSecondary emergency contact’s nameDiane Hayden
RelationshipRelationship to the employee/candidateMother
PhonePhone number of the secondary contact03 1123 2244
MobileMobile number of the secondary contact04 6666 7777
enableHR Create Employee
enableHR Create Employee

Update an Employee

Use this action to update an Employee.

Most fields of an Employee can be updated using this action, with the exception of:
  • Employee status change as 'Transferred' to move the employee from one branch to another.
  • Employee status change as 'Terminated'.
Update Employee
MethodPOST: Update an Employees
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Branch ID - Unique identifier of the Branch
Accepted Fields
Field NameDetailsExample
Branch ID - Mandatory
Branch information of the employeeUnique ID of branch: 39c4e9b0418e4236b6a8ac4bce927a9e
TitleHonorific of the employeePossible Values: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr
First Name - Mandatory
First name of the employeeRajesh
Last Name - Mandatory
Surname or last name of the employeePowar
Middle NameMiddle name of the employeeK
Preferred NameEmployee’s preferred nameRaj
Nick NameShort name called at workplaceRaj
Line1:Line 1 of the addressSuite 3
Line2:Line 2 of the address1234 Pacific Highway
Suburb:Suburb of the employeeSydney Town
State:State where the suburb is locatedNSW
Post Code:Postal code of the suburb2002
Country:Country of the suburbAustralia
Employee NumberEmployee number allocated to the associate12345
Line1:Line 1 of the postal addressSuite 3
Line2:Line 2 of the postal address1234 Pacific Highway
Suburb:Suburb of the employeeSydney Town
State:State where the suburb is locatedNSW
Post Code:Postal code of the suburb2002
Country:Country of the suburbAustralia
Email (W)Work Email addressRajeshP@email.com
Email (h)Personal Email addressP_Rajmaheh@email.com
Phone number (h)Home Phone number08 4044 0999
Mobile PhonePersonal mobile phone number0404 404 040
GenderGender of the employeePossible Values: Male, Female, Non_Binary, Not_Stated
Date of BirthBirthdate of the employee2000-12-29
Position TitleDesignation of the employeeStorekeeper
Employee NumberUnique number assigned by the company.0064
Employment TypeNature of employmentSupported Values: Unspecified, Permanent_FullTime,
Permanent_PartTime, Temporary, Casual,
Contract, FixedTerm_FullTime, FixedTerm_PartTime,
LabourHire, SuperIncomeStream
Employment StatusNew employment status of the employeePossible Values: Current, Completed,
Suspended, Leave, LeaveWithoutPay,
Terminating, Merged
Commencement DateStart date of employment2021-09-22
NamePrimary emergency contact’s nameSteve Smith
RelationshipRelationship to the employee/candidateBrother
PhonePhone number of the primary contact03 5678 9876
MobileMobile number of the primary contact04 1111 2222
NameSecondary emergency contact’s nameDiane Hayden
RelationshipRelationship to the employee/candidateMother
PhonePhone number of the secondary contact03 1123 2244
MobileMobile number of the secondary contact04 6666 7777
enableHR Employee Details
enableHR Employee Details

Transfer an Employee

Use this action to transfer an Employee from one Branch to another Branch.

This is the only way to transfer an Employee to another branch, as the branch cannot be updated using the Update Employee action.

This transfer function is used to capture when a worker has moved a department, location or cost code (depending on the branch setup structure ). Once the transfer is complete, a note is created in the Employee’s file confirming the transfer of the employee record.

Transfer Employee
MethodPOST: Transfer an Employees
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Branch ID - Unique identifier of the (destination) Branch
Accepted Fields
Field NameDetailsExample
Branch ID - Mandatory
New Branch informationUnique ID of branch: 39c4e9b0418e4236b6a8ac4bce927a9e
Effective Date - Mandatory
Date from when the transfer is effective2021-09-20
enableHR Employee Transfer Note

Terminate an Employee

Use this action to terminate an Employee.

This is the only way to terminate an Employee.

If the termination date is in the future, the Status of the Employee will be temporarily set to “Terminating” and then to “Terminated” on the date.

Terminate Employee
MethodPOST: Terminate an Employees
ParametersAccount ID - Unique identifier of the Account
Employee ID - Unique identifier of the Employee
Accepted Fields
Field NameDetailsExample
Termination Method - Mandatory
To identify if voluntary/Involuntary terminationAccepted values – By_Consent, By_Notice,
Summarily, By_Other_Means
End Date - Mandatory
Last day of working2021-09-01
Terminated byWho actioned the terminationKishore
Termination CommentsAny free text to record why the termination was madeResignation by employee
enableHR Employee Termination Status
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